Sunday, August 08, 2010

The Big Five-O

Carrot cake, mmmmm.

Sharing 50th with my wonderful hubby

So, this weekend was the Dane's 50th b-day. Big occasion, I would imagine. We had lots of plans for going away and things we would like to do but none of these things were timely for us, things to do in the future. We did a nice bike ride then spent a lovely afternoon on the beach with our bff's - couldn't have a more perfect day, I say. And, we are dog-sitting this month for a friend for a well-behaved chocolate lab. Training-wise, I've gotten back to the pool which has been painful - injured ribs don't like swimming and they like flip turns even less! I'm going to keep going and do as much as I can with as little pain as I can inflict. Running is still progressing which I'm very happy about. Thinking half marathon in November. We'll see. Like even thinking about a race, that is progress.