Sunday, February 28, 2010

February ends in cold

Ahh, wish I was here now

To say I'm sick of the cold weather would be a major understatement. I'm really, actually, tired of bitching about this every week. Got some good indoor rides this week. Got back on the power cranks and the hammy handled that well. My left heel has been the only thing slowing me this week, starting to think it could be related to the new bike fit, timing fits. Either way, I have it and have to deal with it. I had an ART and Graston treatment on Friday and that really helped. Ran Saturday after 90 minutes on the trainer and felt pretty good. I am getting to where I can push the run pace a little now although I am seriously lacking fitness after 6 months + of not running! I want to work on this so need to take care of this stupid heel pain. Good ride outdoors today and the SRM reflected that after the download. I want to start lengthening the long ride a bit now, hoping it'll be warm enough to do so. Still thinking about racing the end of March, 4 weeks away. I haven't raced really since May so I'm chomping! Celia asked me "why race, what's the hurry"......I love to race and have been on such a short leash for so long it's really hard to explain. I know I'll get my ass handed to me but I don't really care as long as I don't re-injure myself. I'm progressing with the hamstring injury so we'll see how the next few weeks go. Watching the US-Canada hockey match now so gotta go. Hoping for warmer climes!